AgroScience Today, Volume 3, Issue 6 : 0408-0411

OPEN ACCESS | Published on : 30-Jun-2022

3 Heat Wave - Causes, Consequences and its Mitigation

  • Mangshatabam Annie
  • Dept. of Climate Change and Agril. Meteorology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India.
  • Anjusha Sanjay Gawai
  • Dept. of Climate Change and Agril. Meteorology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India.
  • Raj Kumar Pal
  • Dept. of Climate Change and Agril. Meteorology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India.


India is well-known for being extremely vulnerable to the effects of climate change. The country has been experiencing an increasing trend of heat waves in recent years. Due to a severe heat wave that has affected most of the country, the harvest prospects for several crops, particularly wheat, have been reduced this year. The government had previously expected wheat production of 111.32 million tonnes, but due to a strong heat wave in mid-March, it reduced the prediction to 105 million tonnes in May. The recent heat wave in India is having repercussions around the world in terms of food supplies, as the country has pushed to limit wheat exports. The early-summer heat wave serves as a wake-up call for all agencies and policymakers to take the required precautions in terms of prevention, readiness, and community outreach in order to preserve the lives of the general public, livestock, and wild animals.


climate change, heat wave, crop, food supply


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