Abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gears are fishing gears/parts which are lost into water due to various reasons. These lost gears are a global concern to the marine ecosystem as they continue to capturing fishes and other aquatic organisms leading to their mortality known as Ghost fishing. Ghost fishing mostly occurs due to passive gears such as gillnets, trammel nets, lines and traps. As most of the fishing nets are made of synthetic, non- biodegradable materials, nets can remain active in water for several years and continue fishing even when they are lost into seas. From Indian waters also investigation were carried out by ICAR-CIFT regarding fishing gear losses and ALDFG. Those studies points towards the importance of the issue in the country as well as the need for developing mitigation measures to address the harmful impacts of ALDFG.
Abandoned, Lost, Fishing Gears, ALDFG, Hidden Killers, Sea
Ayaz, A., Acarli, D., Altinagac, U., Ozekinci, U., Kara, A.& Ozen, O. (2006). Ghost fishing by monofilament and multifilament gillnets in Izmir Bay, Turkey. Fisheries Research, 79: 267–271.
Bech, G. (1995). Prevention of Ghost Fishing in Atlantic Canada, by the Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University for the Department, 31 March 1995.
Bilkovic, D. M., Havens, K., Stanhope, D., & Angstadt, K. (2014). Derelict fishing gear in Chesapeake Bay, Virginia: Spatial patterns and implications for marine fauna. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 80(1-2), 114-123
Cooper, R.A., Carr, H.A. & Hulbert, A.H. (1987). Manned submersible and ROV assessment of ghost fishing on Jeffery’s and Stellwagen Banks, Gulf of Maine. NOAA Undersea Research Program Research Report No. 88–4.
Gilardi, K., Carlson-Bremer, D., June, J., Antonelis, K., Broadhurst, G. & Cowan, T. (2010). Marine species mortality in derelict fishing nets in Puget Sound, WA and the cost/ benefits of derelict net removal. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 60: 376–382.
Grimaldo, E., Herrmann, B., Vollstad, J., Su, B., Moe-Føre, H., Larsen, R.B. (2019). Comparison of fishing efficiency between biodegradable gillnets and conventional nylon gillnets. Fisheries Research, 213, 67–74.
Humborstad, O., Løkkeborg, S., Hareide, N. & Furevik, D. (2003). Catches of Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) in deepwater ghost-fishing gillnets on the Norwegian continental slope. Fisheries Research, 64: 163–170.
ICAR-CIFT, (2019). Annual Report 2018-2019, ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, Kochi, 70-71
Kim, S., Lee, W. and Moon, Y. (2014). The estimation of derelict fishing gear in the coastal waters of South Korea: Trap and gill-net fisheries. Marine Policy, 46: 119–122.
Large, P., Graham, N., Hareide, N., Misund, R., Rihan, D., Mulligan, M., Randall, P.,Peach, D., McMullen, P. & Harlay, X. (2009). Lost and abandoned nets in deep-water gillnet fisheries in the Northeast Atlantic: Retrieval exercises and outcomes. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 66: 323–333.
Macfadyen, G., Huntington, T. & Cappel, R. (2009). Abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gear. UNEP Regional Seas Reports and Studies No. 185. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper No. 523. Rome, UNEP/FAO. 115 pp
Pecci, K.J., Cooper, R.A., Newell, C.D., Clifford, R.A. and Smolowitz, R. J. 1978. Ghost fishing of vented and unvented lobster, Homarus americanus, traps. Marine Fisheries Review, 40: 9–43.
Reeves, R.R., McClellan, K., Werner, T.B., 2013. Marine mammal bycatch in gillnet and other entangling net fisheries, 1990 to 2011. Endanger. Species Res. 20, 71–97.
Revill, A. & Dunlin, G. (2003). The fishing capacity of gillnets lost on wrecks and on open ground in UK coastal waters. Fisheries Research, 64: 107–113.
Stelfox, M., Hudgins, J., Sweet, M. (2016). A review of ghost gear entanglement amongst marine mammals, reptiles and elasmobranchs. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 111 (1–2), 6–17.
Thomas, S. N., Edwin, L., Chinnadurai, S., Harsha, K., Salagrama, V., Prakash, R., Prajith, K. K., Diei-Ouadi, Y., He, P. and Ward, A. (2020). Food and gear loss from selected gillnet and trammel net fisheries of India, Rome. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Circular No. 1204.
Thomas S.N., Sandhya K. M., Harsha, K., Mary Baby K. A., Aishwarya Ghosh K. A. (2023). Ghost fishing capacity of lost experimental gillnets: a preliminary study from Indian waters. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30:40062–40072.