Minor millets consist of a group of small seeded cereal species that are genetically diverse and adapted in varied range of agro-climatic conditions where major cereals such as rice, wheat and maize were relatively uneconomical. Millets played an important role in traditional farming and food culture in many developing countries like South Asian and African countries. Minor millets include fingermillet (Eleusine coracana L.), foxtailmillet (Setaria italica L.) Beauv), prosomillet (Panicum miliaceum L.), kodomillet (Paspalum scrobiculatum L.), barnyardmillet (Echinochloa frumentacea Roxb., Link) and littlemillet (Panicum sumatrense Roth.ex Roem. and Schultz).
millets, Agronomic, cereal, Minor millets, fingermillet, foxtailmillet, prosomillet, kodomillet, barnyardmillet, littlemillet
Annual Progress Report. AICRP on small millets (Bengaluru). [2019-20].
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Dereje, G., Adisu, T and Bekele, A. [2016]. Influence of row spacing and seed rate on yield and yield components of finger millet at assosa zone in benshagul gumuze region of Ethiopia. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare. 6(5): 2016.
Gavit, H.D., Rajemahadik, V.A., Bahure, G.K., Jadhav, M.S., Thorat, T.N and Kasture, M.C. [2017]. Effect of establishment techniques and sowing time on yield and yield attributes of proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.). International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 6(5): 1523-1528.
Himasree, B., Chandrika, V., Sarala, N.V and Prasanthi, A. [2017]. Evaluation of remunerative foxtail millet (Setaria italica L.) based intercropping systems under late sown conditions. Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences. 6(3): 306-308.
Jyothi, K.N., Sumathi, V and Sunitha, N. [2016]. Productivity, nutrient balance and profitability of foxtail millet (Setaria italica L.) varieties as influenced by levels of nitrogen. IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science. 9(4): 18-22.
Krishnaveni, A.S. [2018]. Effect of method of crop establishment and nutrient management in barnyard millet under sodic soil condition. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 7(12): 51-55.
Mallareddy, Thimmegowda, M.N., Lingappa , S., Hebbal, N and Arabhanvi, F. [2015]. Effect of moisture conservation practices on growth and yield of finger millet + pigeonpea intercropping system .Green Farming. 6(6): 1273-1275.
Nandini, K. M and Sridhara, S. [2019]. Response of growth, yield and quality parameters of foxtail millet genotypes to different planting density. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 8(02): 1765-1773.
Natarajan, S., Ganapathy, M.,Arivazhagan, K and Srinivasu, V. [2019]. Effect of spacing and nutrient sources on system of finger millet intensification (SFI). Indian Journal of Agronomy. 64(1): 98-102.
Prabudoss, V., Jawahar, S., Shanmugaraja, Pand Dhanam, K. [2014]. Effect of integrated nutrient management on growth, yield and economics of transplanted kodo millet. European Journal of Biotechnology and Bioscience. 1(4): 30-33.
Prajwal, N and Kalaghatagi, S. B. [2018]. Studies on castor (Ricinus communis L.) based millets intercropping systems under rainfed condition. Journal of Farm Science. 31(4): 381- 383.
Shanmugapriya, P., Rathika, S., Ramesh, T and Janaki, P. [2019]. Evaluation of weed management practices on weed control and yield of transplanted finger millet. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 8(5): 276-278.
Triveni, U., Sandhya Rani, Y., Patro, TSSK., Anuradha, N and Divya, M. [2017]. Evaluation of different finger millet based intercropping systems in the north coastal zone of Andhra Pradesh. International Journal of Chemical Studies. 5(5): 828-831.