AgroScience Today, Volume 2, Issue 7 : 0185-0188

OPEN ACCESS | Published on : 31-Jul-2021

AI and IOT in Smart Farming

  • Nagarjuna Kumar R
  • Senior Scientist (Computer Applications in Agril.), ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
  • Rama Rao C A
  • Principal Scientist (Agril.Economics), ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
  • Raju B M K
  • Principal Scientist (Agril.Statistics), ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
  • Srinivasa Rao M
  • Principal Scientist (Entomology), ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
  • Sailaja B
  • Principal Scientist (Computer Applications in Agril.), ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.


Agriculture is backbone to our country. Farmers have to take innumerable decisions at each phase of cultivating the crop.  Even though there is vast advancement in the information technology, acceptable and adoptable tools are still not available to farmers to support their decision making at each and every stage of crop growth period. The recent advancement in the field of software technologies especially Artificial Intelligence (AI), IOT and mobile based applications have opened up new challenges as well as opportunities to fulfill the needs of farmers for up-to-date and precise information. Hence, an intelligent mobile based application is needed to reach farmers easily and generate quick decisions for real time problems facing at the field level. Coupling AI, IOT and mobile based applications there is a need to develop adoptable tools to farmers to help them in real time decision making.


AI, IOT, Smart Farming, Agriculture


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