AgroScience Today, Volume 5, Issue 12 : 1030-1034

OPEN ACCESS | Published on : 31-Dec-2024

Areca Palm - A Par Excellent Indoor Plant

  • Sowmiya V
  • Under Graduate Student, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Kudumiyanmalai, Pudukkottai Dist, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • Shanmuganathan M
  • Associate Professor (PBG), Agricultural College and Research Institute, Kudumiyanmalai, Pudukkottai Dist, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • Kumanan K
  • Associate Professor (Hort.), Agricultural College and Research Institute, Kudumiyanmalai, Pudukkottai Dist, Tamil Nadu, India.


The Areca Palm (Dypsis lutescens), also known as the Butterfly Palm or Golden Cane Palm, is a highly regarded ornamental plant native to Madagascar. Valued for its graceful appearance and adaptability, it thrives in both indoor and outdoor environments. With moderate care, the Areca Palm is suitable for a variety of light conditions and is non-toxic to pets, making it an excellent choice for homes and offices. Its compact growth pattern, long lifespan and versatility further contribute to its popularity. Additionally, the palm's role in improving indoor air quality and creating a calming atmosphere underscores its significance in modern indoor gardening. Overall, the Areca Palm emerges as one of the best options for enhancing indoor environments, combining beauty with practical benefits.


Areca Palm, indoor plant, air purification, log life span and humidity booster


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