Banana fiber extraction technique can give a boost for rural economy. From the waste farmer can make money and variable product in the form of fiber, paper, clothes etc., can be made. This technique can provide social as well as economical security to lesser privileged people of society. Mostly in the banana growing areas waste management through banana fiber creating a new scenario for the rural poor women farmers.
Banana cultivation, fiber extraction, craft preparation
Lightsey, G.R. (1983). Polymer Application of Renewable Resource Materials - Characteristic of Sisal Fiber, Plenum Press, New York. banana fiber, structure, mechanical properties, polymers.
Subhalakshmi Shijagurumayum.2015. Fiber yielding plants with reference to banana fibre extraction in Manipur. Conference: Plant science. At: Life Science department , Manipur University, Canchipur.
S.K. Bhaduri. 2018. Sustainable rural livelihood through utilization and value addition of banana fibre.