Vegetable grafting is very old concept in some Asian countries like Japan and Korea but it is a relatively new technology in India which is being seen as an alternative technique to combat biotic and abiotic stresses in vegetable cultivation. New recombinant plants are another sphere of interest of growers. Pomato (Tomato on Potato) has been successfully grown and being popularized for indoor cultivation under protected structures. Similarly, Brimato (Brinjal on Potato) has been a successful recombination. Increasing population and industrialization of agricultural land has forced the growers to grow more from small or limited area. New technologies such as vertical farming, hydroponic, aeroponic,vegetable grafting are being promoted or encouraged. Brimato will provide an opportunity to growers to get two crops from a single plant.
Brimato, Pomato, Vegetable grafting, alternative technique, biotic, abiotic stress, two crops, single plant