Tamil Nadu is the major Paddy grown state in India. The total area under Paddy cultivation is 21.65 lakh hectares in Tamil Nadu. 74.7 % of Paddy cultivation under Samba (Aug- Jan) season. Tamil Nadu is the fourth Major state in Paddy Production. The major Paddy Growing Area in the Tamil Nadu is Villupuram, Nagapattinam, Thiruvarur, Thanjavur and Thiruvannamalai districts. The total Paddy production in Tamil Nadu was 74 lakhs tonnes. The average production per hectare in Tamil Nadu is 3494 kg/ha. There was an urgent need to reduce water consumption and implement the good agricultural practices for rice cultivation while enhancing productivity. CO 51 Paddy variety was shorter duration with 110 days duration with white medium slender grains. Split application of Nitrogenous fertilizer, installation of pheromone traps, Drought mitigation strategies and Integrated Disease management technologies implementation increase the yield. Foliar application of PPFM reduces the rate of evapo transpiration and increase the Shoot growth. These technologies will be a step forward in increase the Paddy yield. The installation of pheromone trap used for monitoring the yellow stem borer incidence and reduce the incidence up to 12 %. Application of methylobacteria reduces the evapotranpiration rate and increases the crop withstand ability. The yield obtained from demonstrated plot was 78 q/ha. This was higher 16 % higher than farmers practice.
CO 51 Paddy, Profitable Rice, Tamil Nadu, Paddy cultivation
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