Sitamarhi districts of north Bihar situated in northern part of Bihar state; it’s also connected with international boarder of Nepal. Awareness regarding impotence of diet in human health is increasing day-by-day. Bihar has emerged as a state in fisheries and aquaculture sector in India through development and production of host technologies for increasing fish production. Even with vast in increasing in production over the year it’s able to provide about 9kg/ kaput to percent population (taking 56% at fish eater) against nutritional requirement of 11kg / kaput. The study focuses on the constraints on fish production in Bihar. It has vast water reservoirs in the form of river, lakes, ponds and reservoirs. The utilisation of compound water resources is 2.3 lakh ha. Although there are a good amount of transferable technologies available for transfer in farmer’s field, there are some constraints in transfer of fishery technology, they are: (i) Flood (ii) Presence of Wet Land (iii) Unavailability Quality fish seed (iv) Unorganised marketing (v) Poor infrastructure facilities (vi) Poor cold chain maintenance (vii) Lack of awareness about scientific fish farming (viii) Lack of extension activities (ix) Dominance of Bighead (Aristichthys nobilis) species.
Constraints, Transfer of Fisheries Technology, North Bihar
S.K. Pandey 2006 J. Indian Fish. Assoc., 33: 183-189.
Planning commission (SER division) F.No. 0-15012/49/05 SER.
Dr shyam Balak Yadav, 2020., International Journal of Geography, Geology and Environment 2(2): 81-83.