AgroScience Today, Volume 3, Issue 2 : 0340-0343

OPEN ACCESS | Published on : 28-Feb-2022

Haploids Induction Mediated Through Genome Editing

  • Usharani T R
  • Senior Scientist, Division of Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Horticulture Research, Bangalore, India.
  • Dhandapani M
  • Assistant Professor, Plant Breading and Genetics, Tamil Nadu Rice Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Aduthurai, Tamil Nadu, India.


 Rapid generation of homozygous lines in genetical studies and crop improvement programmes are aimed for the stability to study the expression of traits and selection of superior lines in segregating populations for the development new crop variety. Functional genomics studies involving T DNA tagging, insertional mutations, CRISPR-Cas 9 mediated genome editing is being utilized for identifying the mechanism of gene actions. Homozygous lines will be having stable expressions and opted materials for transcriptomic, metabolomics and structural genomic studies. Rapid development of mapping populations viz., recombinant inbred lines, near isogenic lines and homozygous lines are necessary for structural genomic studies. Homozygous lines respond well to nutrient uptake studies, plant pathogenic interaction studies, and abiotic stress tolerances. In vivo methods like MATL and CenH3 mediated haploid inductions are genotypic independent and easy system to generated larger number of stable DH lines for crop improvement and genetical studies. 


Genome Editing, Rapid generation, Haploids Induction Mediate, T DNA tagging, homozygous


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