Paddy is the main food crop for 60 % of the world population. Asian countries presently accounts for nearly 60% of the world population and 92% of world rice production. Asian population consume 90 % of the rice in the world. 30 % of paddy production in India comes under the rainfed cultivation. In Tamil Nadu, 30 % of total rice production under rainfed condition. Particularly southern part of Tamil Nadu. More than 90 % of paddy growers in the rainfed cultivation getting lower yield than average yield. This yield gap was due to production constrains like economical status of the farmer, availability of technologies. Ramanatahapuram, Sivagangai and Viridhunagar district of Tamil Nadu are the major districts cultivating paddy under rainfed situation. Onset of north east monsoon is the best season for cultivation with shorter duration and high yielding paddy varieties. Summer ploughing and seed hardening are the prime factor for drought tolerance. Sowing with improved paddy seeder save the seed cost and labour cost. Weed management with bispyribac -sodium during 3- 4 leaf stage followed by hand weeding at 40 – 45 days after sowing recorded weed free condition under rainfed paddy. Application of Nano urea along with recommended dose of fertilizers leads to higher plant growth and yield.
Improved Rainfed, Paddy Cultivation, Practices, Climatic Resilient, Higher Productivity, Paddy
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Chaitanya Dhamankar, Dhanraj Mankar, Vaishali Pusdekar, Santosh Mane, Samiksha Nakat and Prajwal Dodewar., The effect of nano urea on growth of drilled paddy., The Pharma Innovation Journal 2023; SP-12(8): 441-443.
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http://improved-direct-paddy-seeder.pdf (
Singh, Krishna M, Jha, A. K.,, Meena, M. S. and Singh, R. K. P., Constraints of Rainfed Rice Production in Eastern India: An Overview (May 18, 2012). Available at SSRN: or