Knowledge level and the production cost associated with the technology plays a vital role in adoption of technology by the farmers. This is more evident with small and marginal farmers with small land holdings and poor resources in the region of North and Middle Andaman. These farmers are always not ready to invest more in enterprises fearing the risk associated. Hence, farmer’s friendly technology with low investment and environment friendly technology find place for implementation and are successful in this region. Climate of North and Middle Andaman district is tropical humid with annual rainfall upto 3300mm. Due to incessant rain and unpredictable weather, farmers grow paddy in kharif and vegetable and pulses in rabi season in low land and plantation crops in hilly land. Most of the farmers rear livestock for consumption in home and additional income to family, and also as insurance in situation of crop loss. Lack of knowledge, unavailability of improved breed, high cost of livestock feed and non-availability, improper health management, and unpredictable weather conditions are some of the factors responsible for slow pace of growth in animal husbandry in the region. Keeping in view the challenges faced by farming community suitable low cost intervention by the Krishi Vigyan Kendra like backyard rural poultry farming, day old chicks production using mini-hatching units, improved pig farming practices, supplementation of chelated mineral mixture in dairy ration, and deworming in goat were adopted by the farmers and significantly increased income of farmers.
Marginal farmers, Tropical humid, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Livestock, Low cost intervention