AgroScience Today, Volume 2, Issue 5 : 0139-0140

OPEN ACCESS | Published on : 31-May-2021

Low Cost Soilless Crop Production Using Matric Irrigation System for Problem Soil Areas

  • Sherene Jenita Rajammal T
  • Assistant Professor, Dept. of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, ICAR - KVK, Vamban, Pudukottai District, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • Arulmozhiselvam A
  • Rtd. Professor (Soil Science), Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.


Tamil Nadu has the waste land area of about 8.25 lakh hectares. Utilization of these wastelands with conserved water use under matric suction irrigation system using soilless container media to grow vegetables will be a boon to the farmers. Organic substrates and industrial by products have the potential to support plant growth as growing media. Here conservation of water is achieved, because for growing a vegetable crop only 80 mm of water is required per season. Similarly, enhanced fertilizer use efficiency is achieved through the use of slow release fertilizers/ water soluble fertilizers. Horticultural crops play a vital role in completing the problems of malnutrition by contributing to national income by sharing almost one fifth of the total income from agricultural produce. Growing horticultural crops generates employment in rural areas. By this method, problematic salt affected areas can very well be used for cultivation of vegetables in containers laid on open land, alternative to conventional soil tilling and sowing methods. By managing the cultivation of crops, farmers will be benefitted by gaining experience in the new technology of efficient nutrient and water management as well as crop production and protection aspects of soilless container media cultivation.


Soilless culture, matric suction, problem soil, vegetables
