AgroScience Today, Volume 4, Issue 10 : 0681-0683

OPEN ACCESS | Published on : 31-Oct-2023

Marketing of Green Leafy Vegetables

  • Shibi Sebastian
  • Associate Professor (Ag. Extension), Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Tindivanam, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • Neelavathi R
  • Associate Professor (Horticulture), Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Tindivanam, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • Douressamyi S
  • Programme Coordinator, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Tindivanam, Tamil Nadu, India.


Greens are an important part of our diet. Its nutrients, minerals and fibre make it a compulsory inclusion in Indian food menu. The greens are currently marketed fresh and corner street vendors and bicycle vendors are the major retailers of greens. There is no large scale marketing and no processing involved. However ‘Keerai Kadai’ shows that the potential for marketing greens in packages and powdered forms are many. Government’s role in supply chain management is also improving and there are lots of opportunities in marketing of greens for farmers.


Green Leafy, Leafy vegetables, marketing



    Ray, Avik & Ray, Rajasri. (2022). The leafy greens of India -their diversity, pattern of consumption, and overriding implication on food and nutrition security. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems. 46. 10.1080/21683565.2022.2025987.

    Sreenivasa.R.J (2017). Nutrition Science in India: Green leafy vegetables: A potent food source to alleviate micro nutrient deficiencies. International Research Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 2. 7-13.