Wheat is a primary ingredient in biscuits and bakery products, where its quality parameters significantly influence the final product's characteristics. This article explores the key attributes of wheat, including protein content, gluten strength, starch quality, and moisture levels, which impact dough handling, texture, and shelf life. Additionally, the role of enzymatic activity and ash content in determining flour's suitability for bakery applications is discussed. Emphasis is placed on the selection of soft and medium-hard wheat varieties for biscuits and cakes, ensuring optimal crumb structure and tenderness. The article also examines milling techniques and flour treatments that enhance performance for specific bakery purposes.
Parameters, Wheat, Biscuit, Bakery
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Nilesh Magar, Suresh Dodake, Sunil Umate and Rajendra Lokhande. 2023. Recommended wheat varieties for Peninsular Zone of India. AgroScience Today, Volume 4 (12) p 723-726.
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Nilesh Magar, Suresh Dodake, Dnyandeo Gadekar, Bhanudas Game, Rajendra Lokhande, Bhalchandra Mhaske and Yogesh Patil. Phule Satwik (NIAW 3170): A soft bread wheat variety for North Western Plains and Peninsular Zone of India. Curr Agri Res 2024; 12 (1): 348-355. (doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CARJ.12.1.28)