Physical purity test is an essential part of routine seed testing (physical purity, moisture, germination and other distinguishable variety) done by recognised seed testing laboratory, Government of India. Though various purity components such as pure seed, inert matter, weed seed and other crop seed, are identified in this test, seed samples are also tested for presence of other distinguishable variety (ODV), objectionable weed seed and huskless seed so as to determine the quality of a seed lot required for meeting the seed standards for seed certification so as to deliver superior quality seed to the beneficiary.
Physical Purity Test, Paddy, seed testing, Oryza sativa, quality seed
Agrawal RL Seed Technology. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co Pvt. Ltd , New Delhi p 848.
Agrawal RL and Dadlani M and Hand book of seed testing, South Asian Publishers,New Delhi(1992), P210 2nd edition.
Tunwar N S; Singh S V. 1988.Indian minimum seed certification standards. Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Central Seed Certification Board New Delhi : India.