Oil seeds production and productivity remains static over period of time in India. Every year major portion of requirement is imported from other countries. The decrease in area under production of oilseeds is in alarming rate. India is the major oil seed producing country (20% in area and 10% in Production). Annual production of oil seeds is 32.0 MT and annual total requirement of oilseeds is 45.64 MT. Hence, to minimize the shortfall in requirements, every year is 10-15 MT of oilseeds is imported. Percapita consumption of oil seeds is 8 Kg/year. Increase of production to 60 MT, will definitely decrease the oilseeds import. Major oil seed crops viz., groundnut, rapeseed, soybean, mustard, sunflower, and sesame Increase in area, production and productivity oilseeds need systematic approaches from policies to technological interventions.
Oil seeds, Self Sufficiency, Systematic Interventions, Oil seeds production
Jha, Girish Kumar, (2011)Yield Gap Analysis of Major Oilseeds in India. Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development. 6(2): 209-216.
Present Status of Oilseed crops and vegetable oils in India (2018), Status Paper, National Food Security Mission, GoI.
Reddy, K. Viswanatha and Immanuelraj, T. Kingsly (2017) Area, Production, Yield Trends and Pattern of Oilseeds Growth in India. Economic Affairs, 62(2): 327- 334
NFSM reports (2028)