Climate change and global warming made drought and flooding disasters. This may be due to industrialization and use of synthetic fertilizers that released greenhouse gases from the storage pool. In agriculture we are doing chemical farming without adding organic manures as compost. The quality available water is also decreasing. Hence are recommending millets. Similar to this we can raise aerobic rice. Moreover, we are having endless waste in different sources. Hence market waste can be composted by adopting aerobic heap method. This can be applied to soil at the rate of 5 tonnes per hectare to the aerobic rice without any yield reduction.
Market waste compost, aerobic rice, TPS 5 rice variety, Carbon sequestration
Prabakaran C. 2020. Survey Characterization and composting studies of Agricultural Product producers and traders association market (APPTA) waste of Kanyakumari dt. Of Tamil Nadu. International journal of chemical studies. SP-8(4):395-399