Cooperatives are the shield against social as well as economics exploitations for the poor and weak peoples. Importance of cooperative is well documented for the cause of social-economic upliftment of one the most downtrodden community in India, the fishermen. Indian fishermen are among the latest fishery technologies are the contributing factors for their miseries. This vicious critical is further strengthened by lack of institutional support extended in the form of infrastructure development and finance. Consequently, fishermen are subjected to exploitation by middleman who acts as money lenders, traders and contractors. Fishermen discovered co-operatives could spare them from exploitation and improve their socio-economic conditions. In India, fisheries co-operative societies are regulated by a separate set of rules for channeling the government assistant on the principle of self-help and management. They are broadly three-tiered system consisting of a primary cooperative for village, a district or regional federation and a state level cooperative federation. In India, these cooperative societies are helping fish farmers in implementing the various programme pertaining to horticulture-forestry-cum-fish farming, duck based fish farming, fish-cum-poultry farming, fish-cum fig integration, goat-cum-fish system, fish-cum-cattle farming and aquatic-plant-cum-fish farming. Effort made in this direction has yielded good results in some areas but strengthening of the cooperative movement in fisheries will certainly improve income as well as socio-economic status of those involved in this sectors.
Income and living standard, Horticulture and forestry cum-fish farming, Live Stock fish farming, aquatic plant-cum-fish farming
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Handbook of Fisheries