AgroScience Today, Volume 2, Issue 10 : 0272-0274

OPEN ACCESS | Published on : 31-Oct-2021

Small-Scale Mushroom Cultivation for Additional Income Generation

  • Vivek Kumar Khare
  • Subject Matter Specialist, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Begusarai, RPCAU, Pusa, India.
  • Sunita Kushwah
  • Senior Scientist & Head, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Vaishali, RPCAU, Pusa, India.
  • MadhuSudan Kundu
  • Director Extension Education, RPCAU, Pusa, India.


In India, mostly farmers are with small and marginal holding. To improve their agricultural productivity and income generation, crop diversification is required. Mushroom cultivation as an enterprise has the potentiality to generate additional income. Sri Hariom Prasad Jaiswal, a farmer of Begusarai district started small scale mushroom cultivation along with his traditional agricultural practice. He generated an additional income of Rs. 19,000.00/- in a season from mushroom production along with his regular income from traditional farming. Considering limited land with farmers, mushroom cultivation could be a promising option for supplementary income generation for small-holding farmers.


Mushroom cultivation, Farm women & rural youth, income generation


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