AgroScience Today, Volume 3, Issue 11 : 0526-0529

OPEN ACCESS | Published on : 30-Nov-2022

Socio-Economic Gap Noticed in Women Ex-Trainees of Mainpuri KVK

  • Harshit Paliwal
  • Ph.D. Research Scholars, Dept. of Extension Education, Institute of Agricultural Sciences,Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India.
  • Yadav O P
  • Assistant Professor, Dept. of Extension Education, CSA Agricultural University and Technology, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India.
  • Singh A K
  • Assistant Professor, Dept. of Extension Education, CSA Agricultural University and Technology, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India.
  • Ishita Mishra
  • Ph.D. Research Scholars, Dept. of Extension Education, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India.


A study was conducted in Mainpuri district with the objective to find out the socio-economic gap noticed in women ex-trainess who had under taken training arrangement by KVK, Mainpuri. Selection of district, block, panchayat, village and respondents has been done by purposive and random sampling procedure. The selected sample size was 120. Data was collected from each individual respondent through pretested interview schedule and use suitable statistical tools like Frequency, Rank order, Percentage and Mean average score, Percentage increase etc. Were used in the research study it was found that 49.17 percentages of trainee respondents were of young age group. Education level at primary level was 53.33 percent and 65.84 percent respondents were having joint family type and 79 percent of families had more than 4 members. Occupation of 48.34 percent of respondent was farming and 53.33 percent of the sample respondents had semi pucca housing pattern. Annual income was (5000-20000) for 48.33 percent of respondent and 68.33 percent respondents were marginal farmers with land (up to 1 ha.) 68.33 percent. 44.16 percent of respondent had draft animas like buffalo and scientific aspiration gap in social participation of the respondents was 61 percent. In this study it was observed that many actions of women training like training contents, approaches, consciousness, exposure visits etc. It were not adequately performed by the KVK for the broad improvement of women.


Impact of training, knowledge, Adoption, Socio-economic status, Explication of communication


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