AgroScience Today, Volume 2, Issue 5 : 0154-0157

OPEN ACCESS | Published on : 31-May-2021

Variety Utkarsha Boost Green Gram Production Through Cluster Frontline Demonstrations

  • Rupesh S. Khedkar
  • Subject Matter Specialist-Agronomy, Farm Science Centre, Malegaon, Nashik, Maharashtra, India.
  • Pawan M Chaudhari
  • Subject Matter Specialist-Horticulture, Farm Science Centre, Malegaon, Nashik, Maharashtra, India.
  • Vijay A. Shinde
  • Subject Matter Specialist-Soil Science, Farm Science Centre, Malegaon, Nashik, Maharashtra, India.


 The demonstrations of green gram on cluster basis were implemented by Farm Science Centre, Malegaon in village Vaygaon of Baglan block during kharif seasons. The results revealed that  improved practice- seed Utkarsha 10kg, micronutrient-Zinc sulphate  25kg, weedicide-Quizalofop ethyl 5% @ 750ml, insecticide-Dimethoate 30% EC @ 500ml, fungicide- Sulphure 80% WP @ 1250g per hectare recorded highest average seed yield 8.94q/ha whereas in farmers practice it was 6.20q/ha. There was 30.64% increase in yield observed over farmers practice. Similar results were observed in gross and net monetary return which was rupees 39321.9 & 24007.9 and for control 27262.4 & 12448.5 per hectare. Demonstrations shown higher benefit cost ratio (2.59) over control (1.85). Demonstrations concluded that farmers need to be encouraged to use improved technology to increase the production of pulses, which is used in the cluster frontline demonstrations. This intervention not only showed good income but also made seed available to the locality to make the crop more popular in the nearby villages. 


Group baseline demonstrations, seed yield, Integrated Crop Management


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