The Peninsular Zone characteristically has varied agro-climatic conditions. Growing wheat in this zone presents some unique challenges and characteristics. The crop suffers due to heat stress, temperature fluctuations, and variable rainfall. Typically, the tropical climate makes this region different from other wheat-growing regions in India. The soils of this zone are lateritic, red and black. Black soils (Regur soils) are moisture-retentive and fertile. Considering these constraints development of heat tolerant, disease resistant, high yielding and drought tolerant varieties have been bred to address the challenges. The discussion aims to inform policymakers, researchers, and farmers about strategic priorities and potential interventions to achieve long-term improvements in wheat farming in the Peninsular Zone.
Wheat Research, Peninsular Zone, India, Present Status, Opportunities, Future Directions
Kumar, A., Poswal, R. S., Singh, G., Sharma, R. K., Saharan, M. S., Chhokar, R. S., ... & Sharma, I. (2014). Wheat Cultivation in India (Pocket Guide). Extension Bulletin, 52(1), 1-30.
Magar, N., Dodake, S., Umate, S., & Lokhande, R. (2023). Recommended Wheat Varieties for Peninsular Zone of India. AgroScience Today, 4(12), 0723-0726.