Fall Armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E Smith) (Noctuidae, Lepidoptera) is a native pest to North and South America. It was reported out of its native region from Africa in 2016. Since then, FAW has invaded most of Africa and parts of the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. Their biological parameters, viz., strong flying capacity, climate adaptability, and wide host range, make them a better colonizing agent than other species of armyworms. In India, it was reported in 2018 and has emerged as a key pest, dominating the existing pests within the span of 2–3 years. It has also become a threat to food security as it could also attack the other key food crops, viz., rice, sorghum, soyabean, cotton and vegetables. Lack of larval diapause and the rapid development of resistance to insecticides and Bt toxins are also alarming factors. Hence, it is not an easy job to tackle the FAW with a single intervention. Many countries have realized that the integrated use of numerous viable management options is of greater importance than the intensive use of a single tactic. Integrated pest management (IPM) programmes targeting the FAW were formulated, emphasizing the utilization of biocontrol agents and bio-pesticides.
Hand weeding, earthing up, detrashing and propping are the special field operations required for sugarcane production hence its cultivation is a labour consuming and expensive. Mini tractor attached with rotoweeder is highly efficient in removing weeds. Besides weeding mini tractor can also do Earthing up which is very much important field operation indirectly manage the weeds and insects and strength the plant form from lodging during its maturity phase. By using mini tractor on field operations like weeding and earthing up totally we can reduce the cost to Rs. 30,200/ha. Besides this mini tractor attached with rotovator can also shred the sugarcane trashes after harvest for ratooning, instead the farmers practice of burning.
Sugarcane is one of the most important commercial crop of sugarcane cultivated for sugar in an area of 0.35 mha and a production of 35 mt with a productivity of 100t/ha in Tamil Nadu. Sugarcane is one of the crops which needs more care and inturn require more field operations for its growth and development. More labours are required for its cultivation during its crop growth period. Hand weeding, earthing up, detrashing and propping are the special field operations required for sugarcane production. Earthing up is the important field operation done for reducing lodging and pest like borers and white grubs in sugarcane. During the crop growth period to reduce the weed pressure 4 weedings has to be done at 30 days interval up to 120 DAP, which is the critical crop weed competition period for sugarcane. Atrazine was sprayed at 1k/ha on 3 DAP and which will be active for 21 days in reducing the weed emergence. Either a POE or hand weeding has to be done to arrest the weed growth. The choice of POE is narrow only limited selective herbicides are available to kill emerging weeds.
Sugarcane is an important commercial crop of India. In a field experiment it was found that short internode (7.2 cm) recorded a lesser cane yield of 0.657 kg. However, long internodes (12.1 cm) yielded 1.705 kg/individual cane. Hence management practice to be developed to increase the internode length of the cane and varieties with long internodes should be developed to improve the productivity of the cane.
Suggested by the evidence, consumption of high ultra-processed foods (UPF) can lead to a rise in non-communicable diseases, diabetes, hypertension, heart, overweight and obesity. Ultra-processed foods (UPF) are rich in energy, non-nutritional products, less fiber and are rich in saturated fat, salt and sugar which are injurious to our health. Increased in consumption of UPF decreases our nutrition uptake from food. Study also suggests that the ultra-processed foods are highly addictive for which youths are acquainted with those foods.
Yellow mosaic virus is the most prevalent and destructive viral pathogen in black gram which resulted in decrease in area of blackgram cultivation. It causes yield loss up to 70-80 per cent and also reduces the seed quality. Therefore, suitable blackgram varieties with Yellow mosaic virus (YMV) resistance suitable for Tiruvallur district is need to be assessed. Hence on farm assessment for blackgram varieties resistance to YMV study was carried out in Tiruvallur district during 2022-2023. The results revealed that lower disease incidence of 5.5 per cent was recorded in VBN 11 which was superior to other varieties followed by 11.5 per cent in TBG 104 and highest of 25.50 per cent disease incidence was recorded in farmers practicing variety T 9. Variety VBN 11 recorded higher yield of 8.30 q/ha with higher net return of Rs. 32,125/ha and benefit-cost ratio of 2.49. Hence VBN 11 would be a better variety resistance for YMV and for enhancing the productivity of black gram in Tiruvallur district, Tamil Nadu.
To maintain sustainability in tea cultivation, there is a need to implement novel ideas to ensure additional revenue generation, intensive land use and minimise the effect of fluctuation of green leaf price as well as price of processed tea. Crop diversification in tea provides an opportunity to achieve the desired goal under changing scenario. There is a possibility of growing some horticultural crops along with tea which is going to be a viable option for the growers of Assam. The Department of Tea Husbandry & Technology, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat has been working on economic efficiency of tea based inter-crop at Experimental Garden for Plantation Crops for the benefit of tea growers. A few models are discussed below-
Dairy farming has great potential in enhancing income, employment, nutrition security and livelihood of people in eastern India. Feeding of dairy animals with green fodders plays important role in economical dairy farming. India is bestowed with highest cattle population in the world but the productivity per animal is very low. Unavailability of quality feeds and fodders in their ration is the major reason. As the cost of components of concentrate feed are very high, green fodders are used to the maximum level in the ration to fulfil the nutrient requirements of dairy animals and to reduce cost of feeding. Inclusion of quality green fodders from both cereal and legume source not only reduce the cost of feeding but also increase the availability of nutrients which help in reproduction and milk production. Due to the shortage of land for sole fodder production for dairy animals in the eastern India, either intercropping method or mixed cropping method or marshy/low land may be used for fodder production. Hay and silage feeding are also the alternatives of dairy animal feed resources. Keeping the above things in mind, fodder calendar for year-round fodder production (YRFP) may be prepared to make availability of green fodders for dairy animals.
Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is a significant oilseed crop cultivated worldwide for its versatile uses in the food, industrial, and pharmaceutical sectors. It is renowned for its high oil content, nutritional value, adaptability to various climates, and environmental benefits. This paper aims to provide an overview of the sunflower plant, its cultivation practices, economic significance, nutritional properties, industrial applications, and future prospects.
Social media has undeniably emerged as a powerful tool in the arsenal of the modern farmer, offering a multitude of benefits that extend far beyond the conventional boundaries of agricultural practices. Its role in facilitating knowledge exchange, market access and community support is particularly significant in the context of Indian agriculture, where such resources can dramatically influence productivity and sustainability. As digital literacy and access continue to improve, the potential of social media to transform the agricultural landscape remains vast, promising a future of enhanced efficiency and connectivity for the farming community. When the country’s farming is standing at a vulnerable condition due to rapid change of climate, it may be a right moment to inform them about climate resilient farming practices in the fastest way possible- the social media can become the best utility for that.
Cucurbits are economically important vegetable crops throughout the world, and Fusarium wilt disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum has become the major limiting factor in the cucurbit production. The disease causes serious economic losses to the crop and infects at all stages of plant growth. Due to the soil-borne nature of the pathogen, its management is quite difficult. Although there are several management practices available for Fusarium wilt disease, but biological control offers a safe and environmental friendly management of the disease. Association of biological control agents with the plants stimulate plant defense mechanisms and causes induction of systemic acquired resistance (SAR) as well as induced systemic resistance (ISR) in the plants. Due to its several benefits, there is an increasing demand for biologically based management practices specially for soil-borne diseases like Fusarium wilt disease of cucurbits.
Fusarium oxysporum is a devastating pathogen which causes huge economic losses to several crops including cucurbits. F. oxysporum has different formae speciales (f. sp.) which have similar morphological characters, but in general they are host-specific. The f. sp. of F. oxysporum pathogenic to cucurbits are mostly host-specific and distinguished on the basis of host species. However, some exceptions to the concept of host specificity of the f. sp. are there, where cross-pathogenicity exists in the formae specials infecting cucurbits. Mostly, the f. sp. of F. oxysporum is not pathogenic to single host plant only, but is also able to infect other plants in the family cucurbitaceae. However, aggressiveness of cross-pathogenicity may vary according to the host plant it infects.