Volume 5 Issue 5 (2024)


  • Swotting the Behaviour of Chromosomes at Mitotic Cell Division in the Root Tip of Onion

  • Uma Saravanan, Amritha Sivakumar, Vaishnavi Murugason, Varshinipriya Gunasekaran, Tamizh Mozhi Ramalingam, Soundra Kumar Ravikumar, Sathasiva Girivel Gurumurthi, Sarankumar Chandran,

    OPEN ACCESS | Published on : 31-May-2024 | Pages : 0856-0860

    As a part of the course, PBG 112 – Principles of Genetics and Cytogenetics (2+1), by the students of B.Sc., (Hons.) Horticulture (2023 Batch) at Adhiparasakthi Horticultural College, the study was undertaken on the behavior of chromosomes at different phases in mitosis. In this context, we have observed the three different phases of mitosis viz., Prophase, Anaphase, and Telophase. For which, the onion root tip was used as an experimental material for studying the behavior of chromosomes at different phases in Mitotic cell division. All three phases of mitosis were observed at 40 X magnification.

  • Propagation Techniques in Watermelon

  • Preethi T.L, Thamaraiselvi S.P, Prabhu M, Padma Devi K,

    OPEN ACCESS | Published on : 31-May-2024 | Pages : 0861-0865

    Watermelon is cultivated for sweet and delicious juice during summer. Generally, watermelon is propagated by seeds. In watermelon, triploid seeds are produced by honeybee aided pollination and the manual pollination methods. The male fertile plants can be rogued out easily in the tetraploid female plants i.e. tetraploid male sterile plants. The Male and female parents are raised at 1:3 or 1:4 ratio.  Generally, the fruits development and the color of seeds changed from brown to black at 60 days from the day of pollination.  The seeds should be completely washed and separated from the flesh during extraction. The seeds should be dried in shade on nylon net and followed by sunlight. The seeds also dried in the forced-air dryer to maintain the quality. These seeds are graded by using specific gravity separator based on their density Watermelon seeds can be viable for three to four years if they are stored at 10 - 15 per cent moisture with a temperature of 14 - 20°C. Seven per cent moisture content for normal open storage and six per cent for moisture proof storage conditions should be maintained. The Lagenaria leucantha is highly suitable root stock with water melon as a scion to protect the watermelon plants from soil borne diseases and favours early harvest of the fruits.  Few attempts are made to multiply tetraploid watermelon by using tissue culture protocols. 

  • Propagation Techniques for Cluster Bean

  • Prabhu M, Dhandapani M, Anbukkarasi V, Pugalendhi L,

    OPEN ACCESS | Published on : 31-May-2024 | Pages : 0866-0868

    Cluster bean is cultivated for vegetable, extraction of cum, fodder and green manure in the dry tracts of India. Being a self-pollinated crop, hybrid seed production is not followed in cluster bean. Sexual propagation by seeds is the only method followed in cluster bean. Sowing of seeds during July - August is most ideal for seed production. The routine cultural operations followed in commercial vegetable production also applicable to the seed crop. However, the standards recommended by regulating agencies should be followed. The plants infected with bacterial blight should not be removed periodically to get disease free quality seeds. From, one hectare area, ten quintals of seeds will be obtained. The harvested seeds should be graded by using prescribed sieves and graded seeds should be treated with fungicides and botanicals. These treated seeds can be stored up to two years in moisture proof containers with eight per cent moisture.


  • Success Story about Role of Coconut Climber in Drudgery Reduction in Coconut Cultivation Supplied under SC-SP Scheme

  • Sathya S, Akila N, Velmurugan K, Muthusamy N, Paulpandi S,

    OPEN ACCESS | Published on : 31-May-2024 | Pages : 0869-0872

    KVK, Namakkal has been adopted Naraikinaru village as a DFI and SC-SP village located at Namagiripettai block, Namakkal District, Tamil Nadu since 2019.  After the completion of survey regarding agriculture and its allied activities, various interventions like integrated crop management practice includes agronomic package of practice, integrated nutrient, pest & disease management, integration of all enterprises like dairy, goat farming and fish farming and vermicompost technology were taught and needed critical inputs were supplied. At the same time coconut is plantation crop cultivating in and around the border of fields for income generation and culinary purpose. Labour shortage for timely harvesting of nuts is the major issue faced by the farmers and paid Rs.40-50/tree/harvest. Hence farmers requested to suggest alternate options and suitable machineries to do the above said operations. KVK, Namakkal under the sponsorship of Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur SC-SP budget, purchased 10 multi-tree climbers and distributed the same to SC farming community. By using climber, farmers could save Rs.300/tree/ year/six harvests as one of the expenditure involved in cost of cultivation of coconut.